featured news from tennant
Thank you to all of you who so generously donated to the Winnie Mabaso Foundation’s Mandela Day collection.
They were so grateful to Tennant for our support.
We are proud to partner with Jockey to support the Hammersdale Worker’s League and Development Football Tournament 2022.
Thank you Sandi for sharing your experience with us.
dynamic employee engagement, reporting intelligence, operational excellence
Our employee benefits offering is a comprehensive, fully integrated solution with the simplicity of a single touch-point experience.

30 years in business,
140 years of executive
With a passion and strong purpose for helping others take care of tomorrow, today – Steve Tennant founded the Tennant Group.
Over the past 30 years and together with his highly competent leadership team, Steve has grown the company to stand out as a competitive player in the South African and African financial services industry.
41 permanent employees serving 147 local and international corporate clients
our client testimonials certify our commitment to professionalism and service excellence

the tennant way
We take care of tomorrow today by helping our clients make valuable, future-minded decisions.
We think smart, embrace diversity and are adaptable to change.
We put people first. We are partners with our employees, service providers – and of course, our clients!
We value things like professionalism, teamwork, attention to detail and personalised service.